…. A tribute to Aunty- Smt. Sushila Sinha (Mrs. Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha),  31A-Shrikrishnapuri, Patna-800001, Bihar, India.…..on her Sad Demise on 30th May, 2022


(This tribute along with Aunty, also goes to Uncle-Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha, who had passed away in the year 2013. It is a short depiction of my first hand account of my long standing association and relationship at family level with two excellent human beings (Anty and Uncle) who lived in this world, cherished over more than 36years to date)

It was around mid-April, the year1986, more than 36years back, for the first time, I came to Patna, the capital city of Bihar, the eastern Indian state (undivided Bihar then, which has been later divided forming two Indian states, presently named as Bihar and Jharkhand), to join the Bihar Branch Office of “Amul” (Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, Anand, Gujarat), the famous brand of Milk and Dairy products of India, also globally known now. The Bihar Office of Amul at that time, was looking after the Amul operations in Bihar as well as Nepal.

I was only 25+ years in age then, all alone, a bachelor(unmarried) at that time, raw and fresh from the university, after graduation from OUAT Bhubaneswar, had just completed MBA from IRMA(Institute of Rural Management Anand), Anand, Gujarat, from the 1984-86 Batch, practically knew nothing of the city of Patna or the State of Bihar at that time, other than whatever I had read during my studies from the books of history, geography and general knowledge or newspapers and media. As a fresh MBA from IRMA, I was recruited as a Senior Sales Officer by “Amul” to be placed at their Office located at that time at the main road, named as Boring Canal Road, Shrkrishnapuri, Patna in a two storied rented building belonging then to a former Director General of Police(retired) of Bihar. “Amul” being a welfare oriented co-operative organization of farmers ( precisely dairy farmers of Gujarat), the salaries of Amul at that time were very low. While MBAs in 1986 or say around the 1980s in India, were a very rare and demanded breed of professionals as the MBA Courses were taught hardly in less than a dozen of reputed Institutions only, while the Salaries and Perks offered to MBAs in the Private/Industrial Sectors were much more, however, consistent with the mission of IRMA catering to the requirement of the needy farmers’ organizations at that time, I took this job of Senior Sales Officer in Amul, having been posted at Patna (Bihar) with a very small starting salary in 1986.. 

When I arrived at Patna Railway Station by a train from Kolkata(Calcutta) on a very hot summer day of mid-April, 1986, a staff of Amul’s Patna Office received me at the station and put me to stay at a small Hotel, named as Patna Hotel, located in front of the Railway Station closer to the Lord Hanuman Temple there. The Patna Hotel was a mediocre lodge basically catering to the lodging needs of traveling Medical Representatives of various and all kinds of Pharmaceutical Companies. I was put in a Room having two beds, I was occupying one bed out of it, and the other bed was being occupied by a Medical Representative but the person was changing frequently and almost daily, as the traveling Medical Representatives come to the city for a day or so, and go to another location for their job. I was commuting from the Patna Hotel near the Railway Station then, to my Amul Office at Boring Canal Road at Shrikrishnapuri, by Human Pulled Cycle Rickshaw ( or sometimes also by the shared auto-rickshaws carrying 6-passengers,). While working at a small salary as a fresher at that time, this was obvious and understood. As soon as I joined the Amul Office at Patna, I kept requesting everybody to look for a rented home for me and everybody as normally happened everywhere,  would say they were looking for it, but nothing was coming into fruits. Therefore, on an off day (holiday of office), I decided to take up the home searching job myself and I decided to do a house to house survey myself in the Shrikrishnapuri area of Patna as I liked the locality, it was close to my office at a small walking distance. and Shrikrishnapuri at that time was one of the best residential localities of Patna with beautiful houses around, wide roads and comparable to the best areas of an Indian City then.

After surveying almost two dozen houses, road by road and lane by lane in Shrikrishnapuri, starting right from the areas behind my office at Boring Canal Road, where all of them said they did not have any place to rent out for my residential purpose, but I was quite hopeful and confident that I will definitely get something that day; I reached the house named as “Banke Bihari Sadan”, 31A- Shrikrishnapuri, a two storied house. This house as I had come to know later, was originally built and owned by Late Shri Akhouri Banke Bihari Lal ( Respected “Nanaji”, the Father of my Aunty- Smt. Sushila Sinha), a very bright and qualified Engineer of Bihar of its times, who was a former Superintending Engineer in the PWD department of Government of Bihar.

First Meeting with Respectable “Naniji” (Mrs. Banke Bihari Lal, the mother of Aunty: Smt. Sushila Sinha):

While I entered this house, the “Banke Bihari Sadan”, 31A-Shrikrishnpuri, I was lucky, at the first sight, I could see a respectable old lady sitting on a slouching wooden chair on its front corridor in front of the main door at the entrance to the house. The old lady was none other than Mrs. Banke Bihari Lal (Respected Naniji). I asked her, “If there is a place, I can stay in this house on rental basis?”. She keenly looked at my face, after a little pause, she replied, “You look to be a nice and innocent boy, therefore, I may think of it”. Then she asked and wanted to know  little bit about my back ground when I explained her, how I was from Odisha, went to study in Gujarat and then had come to work as a Senior Sales Officer at the Amul Office at Boring Canal Road nearby. She understood everything from me and finally said, “I have decided, to give you a place in this house to stay, the rentals whatever could be that can be decided by my daughter, but under one condition if you agree that you will call the Doctor when I fall sick”. I said with due humility, “If I stay in this house with you, and if you fall sick, how will it happen that I will not call the Doctor or take you to the Doctor, definitely it will be my responsibility. And I agree to your condition and I will meet this responsibility for sure”. Then she said, “In that case, come and meet my daughter tomorrow morning, she has gone out and not at home right now. Look at the Portico Garage just beside ( while a Black Coloured Ambassador Car Numbered as BRA-6 was parked in side) and above that in the first floor, there is a self-contained Guest Room with an attached toilet inside, a road facing large Balcony and separate entrance through the staircase, that should meet your need for now”. Later when I started staying in the same house, I realized, the “Respectable Naniji” had so much of reputed Doctors among her family and relatives that I was too small a fry to help her in any way, she just tested my mind, that was all. As long as I was in Patna until 1990, respected Naniji was in life, she would definitely send somebody to call for me when she did not see me for a day and often she liked to chat freely with me speaking up her mind in all issues she liked, and later she had departed from the world.

First Meeting with  my Aunty- Smt. Sushila Sinha ( Mrs. Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha ):

Next day ( next to the aforesaid day of meeting Respected Naniji ) I went to the house, “Banke Bihari Sadan”,  31A-Shrikrishnapuri, Patna, to meet the daughter of Naniji, the Respected Aunty-Smt. Sushila Sinha (Mrs. Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha ). At the first sight, she was very welcoming, but I was really very scared of her at that time without anticipating anything. A very gracious middle aged lady then, quite motherly and influential personality at that time, in good control of the house; I just stood before her bowing my head with due respect saying “I had met your mother yesterday, and she had asked to come and meet you today”.  She replied very soberly saying, “Yes,  my mother has told me everything about your meeting with her yesterday. She has liked you to stay here. She has also allowed you to stay in our Guest Room that she has mentioned to you in the first floor of the house. Once my mother has agreed and allowed you to stay in this house, it is final for me. You can come and stay there. It was earlier used as our guest room, but have not been used for some time, I will get it cleaned for you. I will also send a wooden rack to be placed there so that you can keep a stove above it and prepare anything if you like for you”.  A token rental was agreed and decided among us (that I would not like to discuss here in all fairness to my well respected relationship with my Aunty and her family). During the discussion, as normally happens in the very first meeting, as I just pronounced her once as “Madam” since I was fresh from the University then and the university habit still existed with me, she very politely but strictly said “You can call me Aunty and not Madam any more”. That was my homecoming, in  mid-April, 1986, to “Banke Bihari Sadan”, 31A-Shrikrishnapuri, Patna, and no looking back till today in 2022, more than 36years have already passed. I was never made to feel to be somebody who was an outsider there or outsider to the family, I was very much a part and member of the family living there. My Respected Aunty-Smt Sushila Sinha ( Mrs. Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha ), from that day, had proved and displayed with due authenticity that she was a mother who  loved and cared the best, and she had met the responsibility of a mother at every step that came in my stride, till her very end until 30th May 2022(hardly a few days back), nothing in deficiency. My Aunty-Smt. Sushila Sinha was a qualified Graduate and Alumnus of her times from well known Patna Womens’ College, with modern and decent outlook, with an excellent sense of humour to express rightly at right place at right time, an well understanding, most loving and caring mother ( also a nice daughter of her parents, and a very decent and understanding holding-lady of the family, at one go, holding the extended and joint family both at parental side and at her in-law side cohesively together ), par excellence of her times.

 First Meeting with Uncle - Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha

( Former Professor of Physics, Patna Commerce College )

The further next day ( the day next to meeting with Aunty-Smt. Sushila Sinha ) while I came to stay in the house, “Banke Bihari Sadan”, 31A-Shrikrishhapuri, Patna, my Aunty called me to her floor on the ground and introduced to Uncle (her husband)-Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha who was at that time, the incumbent Professor of Physics at Patna Commerce College (the college was named as the Commerce College, however was having the Science Faculty where Uncle was the Professor and HOD). My uncle Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha, Ph.D. in Physics, a very Bright Physicist of his times, came from a very well known and well to do family of Daltonganj, was quite down to earth, very sober, loving and caring, quite affable personality, welcomed me to the house. He had a long chat with me in the first meeting, he explained me a lot of things about the City of Patna to which I was just the novice and new, the Place, the People and many things that would come in handy living there, it was quite enlightening for me. From that day, he conducted as a friend, philosopher and guide to me at Patna in every step, in addition to meeting the responsibility as uncle with nothing less than the fatherly kind of love, affection and care a father can extend to a kid, all through till his very end in life in 2013 (exactly on 05-July-2013).

Living with Aunty and Uncle and the Family at Patna from 1986 to 1990 …..and Thereafter :

As aforesaid, it was my home coming to “Banke Bihari Sadan”, 31A-Shrikrishnapuri, Patna, in the Mid- April,1986 through its Guest Room. I stayed being very closely nit with the family from 1986 to 1990 at Patna. Initially I started living in the single Guest Room above the portico-garage in the first floor in 1986, while at the same time in the First Floor of the House, Shri Ajay Singh, the then Branch Manager(Head) of SBI (State Bank of India), Patna Main Branch, was living in its front part and another family was living at the back part ( there were two parts for family living in the first floor), and my Aunty with Uncle and their family including “Naniji”( the mother of Aunty) was living in the entire Ground Floor of the House. After my marriage in 1989, when my wife Trupti (nick name-Jolly), came from Odisha along with me, I lived with my wife again in the bigger front part of the First Floor, as that was vacated by Shri Ajay Singh of SBI and his family had moved out by then. While I stayed in Patna from 1986 to 1990 in the same house, both Aunty and Uncle made it sure that I remained in comfort, very much a part and partial of the house and a family member as well, to the extent that, the close friends of Aunty and Uncle in Patna, when they used to visit and did not find me in the house in any occasion, would fondly ask Aunty saying, “Muni(Aunty’s nick name) where is your 3rd Son?” (as Aunty and Uncle were biologically blessed with two sons). Around 1986, their elder son Vikas (Thakur Vikas Sinha) was studying Engineering at IT-BHU ( recognized as IIT-BHU now) and after finishing it, Vikas immediately moved to Jamshedpur to do MBA at XLRI-Jamshedpur and after completing MBA, Vikas first joined CMC Limited ( the erstwhile Computer Behemoth of India ) at Calcutta, while I was still there in Patna; presently he is well placed as a Director in the Giant Polaris Software Group of India. Their younger and 2nd Son, Subhash ( Thakur Subhash Sinha) in around 1986, used to be studying B.Sc. at Patna Science College and later he moved to Delhi for further Post-Graduate Studies and he qualified and joined the Indian Civil Services in Indian Postal Service;  presently he is well placed, working for United Nations (Universal Postal Union -UPU ) at Switzerland. Both the sons of Uncle and Aunty, Vikas and Subhash, have been very good Friends as well as Brothers to me since then from 1986 with excellent relationship, rarely cherished. While staying with Aunty and Uncle at Patna, I also got to closely know, most or almost all of their family members from both Uncle’s parental side and Aunty’s parental side. Prominently from Aunty’s parental side, got to know well the families and children of her brothers; Shri K.K. Srivastava, IAS, who was incumbent Chief Secretary of Bihar State at that time, and Dr. D. K. Srivastava, a Reputed and Renowned Doctor (Psychiatrist, Professor of Medical College) and most of the others. Prominently from Uncle’s Parental side, got to know well, his parents who were well known and living then at Daltonganj (Respected Dadaji and Dadiji -the Father and Mother of Uncle respectively), the families and children of his Brothers, respected Dr. Thakur Kanhaiya Dayal Sinha, a reputed and prominent Doctor of Bihar ( ENT Specialist) living then at Daltonganj, and respected Dr. Thakur Ramaiya Dayal Sinha, another reputed and prominent Doctor of Bihar(Professor of Ophthalmology at Ranchi Medical College then) and also the sisters of Uncle and their children as well. Even got to know well, the families of Prominent Close Friends of Uncle and Aunty at Patna, such as respected Shri Akhouri Bhubaneshwar Prasad ( Former Professor ) and his better-half aunty, a Prominent Doctor at Patna – Dr. Manjula Prasad ( Manjula aunty ).

It was my Aunty- Smt. Sushila Sinha who played a pivotal role along with Uncle to bind me quite cohesively with the families, relatives and friends of both Uncle and Aunty. There was no occasion of their family and friends, where I was not invited or not asked to be present and be a part of it. Where ever Aunty and Uncle would like to visit and join in functions and ceremonies such as marriages etc., first Aunty would call me to accompany them as a Family Member and Uncle would definitely pull me in affection and make sure that, I accompany them as a part of the family. Whenever I used to fall sick, both Aunty and Uncle would arrange to get medical attention for me through their relatives and friends. Everybody of their families, relatives and friends including their Children everywhere, would care for me as a member of their family. To such an extent; I was fortunate to enjoy their parental love and care all through. Almost every day when she sees me, my Aunty would enquire whether I had lunch or dinner or not. Many days, as always there used to be people and visitors around and her kitchen would be running with full force, with some house helps placed regularly, Aunty would invariably ask(it can’t be named invitation within the family) just to come down and have dinner/lunch at her ground floor. The Uncle would be there to reinforce this call, it is quite difficult to forget such gestures of both of them.

Coincidently, my marriage in Odisha, and the marriage of Vikas (Thakur Vikas Sinha) the elder son of Aunty and Uncle at Patna, took place on the same day in 1989. After my wife Trupti(Jolly) joined me in the house at Patna, she was treated by both Uncle and Aunty as good as their own Daughter-in-law, I have to acknowledge it humbly. Vikas got married to Pinky( Ms. Amita Sinha), the daughter of respected Mrs and Dr.(Mr.) Bibhuti Bhushan Sinha, the reputed, most prominent and  renowned Doctor of Medicine, while their family also got merged with all of us and they extended all the love and care equally to us. Later on Subhash(Thakur Subhas Sinha), the younger son of Aunty and Uncle, got married to Deepa (Ms. Deepanjali Sinha) the daughter of Shri S K Sahay, from a Prominent family of Patna. Both Pinky and Deepa have been very kind and cordial to us all times. After a few days of my marriage in 1989, when my in-laws from Odisha, Mrs and Mr. Pankaj Lochan Rout, who was serving as the Dy. Director of Mines in Govt of Odisha then, visited us at Patna at the same house, both Aunty and Uncle welcomed them and treated them most hospitably, it is well remembered.   

In 1986, I had come to Patna, Bihar, all alone as a 25+year old boy from Odisha, raw and fresh from the University at Gujarat, to start doing just a job at Patna covering entire Bihar and Nepal then, knowing little of the realities of the world at that time. In fact, the day I accepted the employment offer from Amul at Anand, Gujarat, by campus placement, to be placed at their Patna Office in 1986, while the MBA Course was to be concluded after few days by Convocation to be addressed by Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, I was rather discouraged by a lot of people then in Anand in Gujarat and elsewhere, saying it was a difficult place then and why was I going to take up a job there. Practically, there was nobody known to me other than a couple of persons of Odisha origin working there with different banking jobs at a distance. The Office atmosphere there was very politicking and for some period there was a non-supportive and hostile boss from Punjab. But, once I was with my Aunty and Uncle, their support, love and care, and the support, love and care from their family, relatives and friends and everybody there, it was quite motivating and proved contrary to what people had speculated about the place, before I came there. I never felt I went to any difficult place. Being in charge of both Bihar(undivided Bihar, both Bihar and  Jharkhand now) and Nepal as a different country for Amul operations, I traveled extensively, for 4-years in Bihar and Nepal. Yes, there were certain hardships definitely doing a job, where some harassments in various ways did happen whether in office or outside, however as I  said, for the support, love and care of the Aunty and Uncle, their family, relatives and friends, I was able to guard me off well and I could remain and come out triumphant, I must acknowledge it humbly.

After I moved out of Patna on transfer to Cuttack (to look after Odisha operations of Amul) in 1990-91, while over time, I also kept growing on career ladder, thereafter moving again on transfer to Ahmedabad in 1995 ( as Zonal Head covering the states of Gujarat, MP(undivided), Rajasthan and union territories of Daman and Diu), while I stayed in Ahmedabad until 2005 (changing jobs there in between ), all along the Aunty and Uncle have been in touch, may be out of sight for some time at a distance, but never out of their mind and my mind. Always the Aunty would make a phone call periodically whenever it comes to her  mind, but she would make a call for sure or sometimes Uncle would phone, while of course, I did call them periodically.

In between, Vikas ( Thakur Vikas Sinha, the elder son of Uncle and Aunty) also moved from Kolkata to Mumbai on his job placement requirement and it was possible to meet Uncle and Aunty and everybody physically at  Mumbai again while I was living at Ahmedabad. On some occasions when Subhash ( while he was working for the ministry of Posts, Government of India) visited Ahmedabad, he made a point to visit my house as well. Accepting my invitation and request, while they were visiting Mumbai, both Aunty and Uncle came to Ahmedabad un-hesitantly in 2004 and stayed with us for few days to move around Ahmedabad in Gujarat happily. In 2006, while I was working on a new assignment as the Managing Director of an EU Organization (Spanish Group) for India and Asian region, I moved to Mumbai, and started living very close to the house of Vikas and in the same area in Powai. It was possible to meet the Aunty and Uncle regularly while they visited Mumbai and stayed with Vikas and Pinky and their Children. Whenever the Aunty and Uncle visited the house of Vikas at Mumbai, they would definitely make a point, to visit my house and meet my family without fail.

My children(both my daughters Upasana and Aradhana as well as my son Abedan) have never felt that my Aunty and Uncle were less than their biological Grand Parents. Both Aunty and Uncle have always proved by their love, affection and care as well as actions that, they were nothing less than biological grand parents. That has been the kind of enduring and unstinted relationship for more than 36years till date and their departure from the world. The Family of Vikas and Pinky(Amita) with their children (son-Niket and daughter-Vanika), as well as the family of Subhash and Deepa with their Children ( daughters-Sukriti, Ayushi and Astha ) have never felt that my family members are any outsiders in any way, the respect, the love and care have remained intact all through. My wife Trupti (Jolly) was always treated lovingly and respectfully by both Aunty and Uncle as a daughter-in-law.

In July 2013, shortly after celebrating his birthday at Mumbai, Uncle ( Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha ) had gone to his parental native place Daltonganj and one day, he made a phone call to me in the morning from Daltonganj saying, “ I had come to Daltonganj on some household work, but now having very bad fever and really not feeling well and feeling somewhat down, but Kanhayaji ( his younger brother, the reputed ENT Specialist Doctor of Daltonganj) is arranging for treatment”. I said; “Uncle, wish you speedy recovery and see you soon at Mumbai”. The very next day (it was the 05th July 2013 ), we received the message at Mumbai, that the respected Uncle was no more, had left the world. It was a real heart-breaking news to tear me and my family, all of us apart, but no choice.

After July 2013 departure of Uncle, it was Aunty ( Smt. Sushila Sinha ) who was performing practically the role of both Uncle and Aunty since then perfectly. In order to not give too much emotional sock to Aunty, since 2013 when uncle had passed away, whenever me or my family met Aunty, we did not bring in too much of the subject of Uncle, but it was always in mind and understood. Writing it now, while Aunty has also left the world just on 30th May 2022, hardly a few days back.

After 2013-14, Vikas (Thakur Vikas Sinha) had to also move out of Mumbai to Chennai, as per his job placement need for 5years, while Aunty used to be in Chennai with his family, but she was always in touch, she would invariably make phone calls periodically to check for our wellbeing at Mumbai. In every call, I would say, “Aunty, I am going to phone you before you call me next”. But she would make sure to phone, before I could make a call next time, that was her sincerity and dedication to the relationship with me and my family, really very special.

Vikas came back again to Mumbai, with his job posting in 2019-20, and started living not very far from my house, though not in the same local area. It gave opportunities to see Aunty physically at the house of Vikas at Mumbai and interact very closely. During the Covid-19 pandemic, while it continued for almost 2years since end of 2019 and physical meetings were almost impossible due to various restrictions all around, still Aunty would make phone calls to check our where abouts and well being. Since 2019-20 after Vikas came to Mumbai and we went to visit Aunty in his house, I was told that Aunty had developed some health issues, that required serious attentions and watch, but it was under necessary treatment and monitoring and it was really very painful to hear for all of us without choice.

Thereafter, for about a year since 2021, Aunty (Smt. Sushila Sinha) had to go through various critical illness situations from time to time, it was understood and without choice, but no stone was unturned by the family in all possible ways providing her the support in fighting her illness to bring her back to life reasonably by acquiring the best possible treatment facilities available, in home or outside home in hospitals and by best attention from the family 24 hours. She had to go through hospitalizations on two occasions in last one year, for weeks together at one go, once in May-June, 2021 and again in August-September, 2021 at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital at Mumbai. Luckily, my younger daughter Aradhana works in the said hospital as a Doctor and Aradhana tried to put best possible efforts during day and night along with her Senior Doctors at the Hospital for the most respectable and popular “Dadima”(my Aunty). Both the occasions, Aunty had recovered (of course as a strong fighter herself) and had come back home reasonably well considering her situation of health issues involved.

While Pinky and Vikas ( Mrs. and Mr. Thakur Vikas Sinha, the elder son of Aunty) who lived and stayed with her attending 24 hours all the days at Mumbai in their house, they also ensured the best medical facilities are acquired and placed at home itself so that Aunty is able to fight her illness in the best possible ways. Even Deepa and Subhash (  Mrs and Mr. Thakur Subhash Sinha the younger son of Aunty ) had to fly out of Switzerland to Mumbai at least on repeated occasions for weeks /months together during last one year to attend to Aunty at the times of need. My aunty was really a strong fighter with strong mental capability to sustain, who loved this world very much, who loved the people at large and who also fought, tolerated and accepted this world very much with due respects, but some day it is the end that remained to be sure, she reached it ultimately and she accepted it to leave this world only on 30th May 2022.

My two daughters, both Upasana and Aradhana, by this time who being Doctors also by profession, have been in exposure with my Aunty as the respected “Dadima”(Grand Mother), especially the younger one, Aradhana being a Doctor working in her treatment hospital, had to be involved with Aunty from close proximity. Both of them, not only as Doctors professionally but also otherwise as the family members, have been very sad by the departure of the respected “Dadima” for them. For every one of my family, my Aunty has been wonderful and generous in loving and caring, who remains unforgettable along with Uncle, and in memory for all times to come.  

It goes without saying, Aunty was such a nice human being, while she was invariably concerned of wellbeing of every family member, relatives and friends. It was obvious, that the relatives and friends of the family in around Mumbai or elsewhere in Patna or at other places, including who have been in medical profession also, have been quite supportive as it came and as was needed from time to time.

For me, I consider, I was most fortunate to be living at Mumbai to be able to visit and see my Aunty, a wonderful mother, a wonderful human being, who really loved and cared so much, towards her last stage of life, in first hand from time to time until her very end on 30th May 2022. Towards even her last stage of life, until she was able to do it, she would pick up the phone and make a call to me whenever she felt. She was always very happy to see and convey her happiness in meeting, she had no expectation, but she was very generous in her lap, to accommodate and make everyone as good as her own. On 24th May 2022, Tuesday, only 10days back, while I visited and met her, she was till in senses and in emotions, though was not able to speak clearly, but she was able understand and comprehend, she was still able to convey by mouth though not very clear, also by action signals; she was very happy to see me, but at the same time, she was getting emotional while still in some pains. I held her hand, tried to massage gently, she felt it and shed tears, I wiped the tears from her eyes by a tissue, she did shed tears again and it happened 3-times. After 24th May 2022, I did visit twice, but it was not possible to capture her senses. In the early morning of 30th May 2022, Subhash (her younger son) made the phone call, saying, it seemed it was the end, and it was really the end and her departure from this life and this world.    

My Aunty -Smt. Sushila Sinha who was playing the roles of both Aunty and Uncle since 2013, as Uncle- Dr. Thakur Hareshwar Dayal Sinha had departed in the year 2013, finally with her departure from this world on 30th May 2022 has created the unforgettable physical vacuum of both of them effective from 30th May 2022, possibly she departed to be united with uncle again, happily in the heaven.

However I would say, “Aunty ! you along with Uncle, IN MEMORY, IN MIND AND IN HEART …. YOU REMAIN  and YOU REMAIN FOR EVER ….

I stay with the Children, Family. Relatives and Friends of Aunty and Uncle as always.                                                                                                                 

With best respects, and prayers for the Noble Soul to Rest in Peace,

Nimain Charan Biswal

          ( Biswal )

Mumbai, India , 4th June, 2022 

About the Author : Dr. Nimain Charan  Biswal is a B.Sc.(Agri. Science and Technology), M.B.A. and Ph.D.(Management Area ) by qualifications and he has 36+ years of work experience in both  industrial and development sectors in diversified fields of social importance. He has been educated at Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT)-Bhubaneswar, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) and Gujarat University (with Resource Support of IIM-Ahmedabad). Dr. Biswal is further educated at IIM-Calcutta, XLRI-Jamshedpur, Apple Computer Industries and Spar Inc., USA. He has worked for reputed National and International Organizations in Senior/Top Management Capacities at Board level as well as Managing Director and CEO. He is a management expert covering extensive areas from management in agriculture, industrial management, development management to management of public systems. He is a prominent professional of India and known Internationally as well. He lives at Mumbai in India.


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